October 9, 2024




Abraham Lincoln, MEDDIC & Expert Opinions

At a glance

This edition is brought to you by Gamma

Good morning to all new and old readers! Here is your Wednesday edition of Faster Than Normal, exploring one short story about a person, a company, a high-performance tool, a trend I’m watching closely, and curated media to help you build businesses, wealth, and the most important asset of all: yourself. 

If you enjoy this, feel free to forward it along to a friend or colleague who might too. First time reading? Sign up here.

Today’s edition:

> Stories: Abraham Lincoln & Plenty of Fish
> High-performance: MEDDIC
> Trend: AI-enabled services
> Tactical: Expert opinions
> 1 Question: Elective hardship


P.S. Send me feedback on how we can improve. I respond to every email.

Stories of Excellence

Person: Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is widely regarded as one of the greatest leaders in American history, renowned for his unwavering commitment to preserving the Union, abolishing slavery, and healing a divided nation. Born in 1809 in a log cabin in Kentucky, Lincoln's early life was marked by poverty, hard work, and a thirst for knowledge. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, including losing his mother at a young age and struggling to find his place in the world, Lincoln's determination, integrity, and eloquence propelled him to the highest office in the land.

Key Lessons from Abraham Lincoln:

  • On integrity: "I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true."

  • On perseverance: "I am a slow walker, but I never walk back."

  • On leadership: "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Read more.

Company: Plenty of Fish

In 2003, Markus Frind, a recent graduate and programmer, launched Plenty of Fish (POF) as a way to improve his resume. Working solo from his Vancouver apartment, Frind built the dating site for just $500 - mostly the cost of a computer. By keeping it free and simple, POF grew rapidly through word of mouth. Frind's lean operation and advertising model let him run the site profitably from day one. By 2008, POF had $10 million in revenue with Frind as the sole employee. His willingness to learn, adapt and evolve the platform fueled its rise to become one of the largest dating sites. In 2015, the Match Group acquired POF for $575 million.

Key Lessons from Plenty of Fish

  • On starting lean: "By the time I found out what VCs were, I was already making millions in profit, and I didn't see the need to raise money because I wouldn't know what to do with it."

  • On staying lean: "It's funny, once you start adding people to the company, the amount of time you have to work goes up." Frind was the sole developer, designer, and manager for POF in the early years. His self-reliance kept costs low.

Read More.

Presentations for the 21st century

Gamma is one of the fastest growing AI products globally with over 17M+ users…and they’ve grown to this size in <2 years.

Gamma tackles an age-old problem—presentations—in a completely novel way with AI at its heart. Gamma helps you:

  1. Create presentations in 1/10th of the time

  2. Pull creativity out of your brain and into your presentation/website/documents

  3. Spend time on creative work—not mindless tasks like aligning boxes or formatting circles

This is what happens when a new technology paradigm meets archaic, stale software products (not naming any names) that haven’t changed in decades.

I’m excited for a future with more products like Gamma.

Check it out for yourself and see what you can make.


High-performance tool


Every few weeks, I’ll share a tool or hack I’ve been trying that’s improved some aspect of my life. I have no affiliation with these and will always clearly share when that’s false.

The MEDDIC framework examines the various factors that contribute to the purchasing process. By emphasizing the customer buying experience, sales representatives can gain a clearer insight into the needs of their prospects. This understanding enables them to qualify buyers effectively, ensuring they concentrate on those who align well with their offerings.

Why are qualified customers important? Qualified customers are more likely to succeed with your product. They'll stay longer, refer other customers, and spend more.

Read more.

A trend I’m watching

The Big 4 consulting firms raked in a whopping $200B last year, but their reign may be coming to an end. As AI rapidly advances, it's opening up huge opportunities for startups to disrupt traditional services businesses. While clients still prefer humans for high-touch advisory work, there's massive potential for AI to augment and streamline lower-level tasks.

A few promising business ideas that could ride this wave:

  • Selling AI-powered software to law firms, banks, and even the Big 4 themselves to help automate rote work and boost efficiency. Imagine Casetext or Kira Systems on steroids.

  • Focusing on 1-2 key jobs-to-be-done for a specific industry vertical and productizing the heck out of them with AI. Mechanical Orchard is doing this for software development by tapping into the Pivotal Labs talent network.

  • Building an AI-enhanced "consulting in a box" platform that pairs self-serve software with on-demand access to expert advisors. Kind of like Deloitte meets Superhuman.

Read More.

Tactical reads

> When you need to build a culture of experimentation
Building a Culture of Experimentation (Read it here)

> When listening to 'expert opinions'
Expert opinion (Read it here)

> When you need to disagree
The most successful people I know disagree often & disagree well (Read it here)

> When understanding the care economy
The Future of the Care Economy (Read it here)

When building independenceWhen looking for inspiration
Frugal vs. Independent (Read it here)

1 question

How can you introduce moments of “elective hardship” into your week?

That’s all for today, folks. As always, please give me your feedback. Which section is your favourite? What do you want to see more or less of? Other suggestions? Please let me know.

Have a wonderful rest of week, all.

Recommendation Zone

Gamma is one of the fastest growing AI products globally with over 17M+ users…and they’ve grown to this size in <2 years.

Gamma tackles an age-old problem—presentations—in a completely novel way with AI at its heart. Gamma helps you:

  1. Create presentations in 1/10th of the time

  2. Pull creativity out of your brain and into your presentation/website/documents

  3. Spend time on creative work—not mindless tasks like aligning boxes or formatting circles

This is what happens when a new technology paradigm meets archaic, stale software products (not naming any names) that haven’t changed in decades.

I’m excited for a future with more products like Gamma.

Check it out for yourself and see what you can make.

Alex Brogan

Find me on X, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok

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Faster Than Normal is a ‘state' of being’ rather than an outcome. Outlier performance requires continuous, compounded improvement. We’re your partner on this journey.

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